Plaque & Trophy Text Writing Developing text for awards plaques or trophies is not difficult. Here are some basic guidelines.
The Recipient Name is Foremost When an awards is being presented to an individual, the person's name, to whom the award is being presented, should be the focal point (largest wording) of the text. The individual's name is best positioned in the top half of the award.
Keep the Text Simple Heading text, explaining why the award is presented.
Heading Examples Appreciation Award Distinguished Service Award Past President Honorary Member
If a heading is not appropriate, an organization logo, event / theme artwork, or individual's name becomes the heading |
[Click to Enlarge] |
Body of the Award |
[Click to Enlarge]
The body copy of the award states the appropriate what, when, where, why or how of the honor being awarded. |
Examples |
What |
What did the person do |
When |
Date Of |
Where |
Location of, or, for whom |
Why |
Why did it happen |
How |
How did it happen |
Most body copy will not answer all of the possible questions. The most effective text is often 10 words or less. |
Text Examples |
In Recognition of Five Years Dedicated Service to
Awarded for Outstanding Achievement Exceeded Sales Quote - 102%
In Appreciation for Your Outstanding Leadership and Service to the
For His (Her) Dedication and Devotion to
John Jameson Winning Warriors 2006
John Jameson Best Coach Award Warriors - 2006
John Jameson Happy Anniversary 1996-2006
John Jameson #12 2006 SPARTANS CCYC - SOCCER
The Close The closing consists of text which identifies who is presenting the award, followed by year or date information. Plaques tell the store of achievement, honor, success, dedication and excellence. Therefore every plaque text is unique.
Help with Text Writing AwardsMart personnel will assist you with text writing and layout, upon request. No added cost is incurred for this professional service.